Deal Analysis

Calculate Offers and Analyze Deals Quickly

Save Time & Never Overpay Again

Our Max Offer Real Estate Investing Calculator will quickly figure out what to pay for any deal. Easy to use analytics allow you quick, yet in-depth real estate deal analysis for houses that need rehab or for rental properties.

Quickly crunch offers and know what your profit will be before you ever pull the trigger!

Even better, you can access this tool from within your Rehab Valuator software without the need to create a new deal.

It Starts with Data!

Instant Deal Data for every property*

*Available in Premium

Then, you need Valid, Recent Comparable Sales…

You make your money in real estate when you buy, not sell which means you have to buy right!
With Rehab Valuator Premium, you have instant nationwide comparable sales in one of the most dynamic and user friendly filtering interfaces in the industry.
Quickly and easily zero in on the most relevant comparable sales plus, you get the instant After Repair Value Calculator!

*Available in Premium

…and Valid, Recent Comparable Rentals


Gives You INSTANT Decision-Making Insights!

Know Your Best Financing Options From The Beginning

Determine the outcome of using different financing and payment options before you even begin using our real estate analysis tools.

Go From Lead To Offer!

Save Time

Calculate your offers immediately to see if it’s even worth making a deal.

Avoid Overpaying

Know your numbers from the very beginning to never overpay for a deal again.

Make Wise Money Decisions

Know your best payment options for each and every deal.



Whether you’re brand new to wholesaling, rehabbing, flipping, rental property investment, or are already a seasoned investor, this free investment deal analysis software will take your investing to a new level quickly.